The Year of Promise

Resource Notes

January 19, 2014
Corporate Prayer Resources

The Year of Promise

A century ago Europe entered the year 1914 with great expectations.

The year 1914 marked 100 years of progress and increasing prosperity after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. The Industrial Revolution had taken its course, as steamships replaced sailing ships; trains, cars and airplanes replaced horse and buggy; electricity lit up the night; and the telegram, telephone, and radios made instant worldwide communication possible. Prosperity rose as international trade reached record heights. Most people believed that there would be no end to human progress and prosperity.

Few people understood the dark forces which were loose in Europe in 1914. The science of the Nineteenth Century (mostly proven wrong in the Twentieth Century) had convinced many that their Christian religion was a relic of the past. Prominent Christian Scholars attacked the veracity of the Scriptures, further undermining the faith of the people. Darwin’s evolutionary theories were applied to people groups as a virulent strain of racism excused the European Colonization the world. And the race for colonies led to militant nationalism and an arms race which turned Europe into an armed camp. It just took spark to set the whole continents ablaze with war, and the progressive world of 1914 with it.

As we look back in amazement at the suicidal First World War, few of us realize the fragility of the world we live in. Trade and technology have taken us to new heights of prosperity, but the forces of darkness are ever present. Militant nationalism is rising as Russia seeks to regain its Empire, China flexes it muscles in East Asia, Iran works to dominate the Middle East and Islamists try to recreate the Caliphate. The colonial spirit of exploitation has morphed into homegrown repression in places like Zimbabwe (And most of Africa) and Venezuela. Even in the United States we see individual rights and religious freedom threatened by an ever growing government.

Yet the prophetic voices tell us that 2014 is a year of promise. Pastor John Hagee’s new book Four Blood Moons makes a convincing argument that God is planning to move in 2014. Our sister organization, The International Star Bible Society, concurs (See their Blog of 1/8/2014 “Blood Moons”). One prophet had a vision of two cities, one prosperous like Dallas and one desolate like Detroit. He was given to understand that the vision showed two alternative outcomes for the same city, with the message given that the choice was ours. Like the Europeans in 1914, we can choose prosperity or desolation.

We believe that 2014 can be a year of a great move of God. We need to repent and prepare our hearts to receive God’s blessings in the midst of the World’s turmoil.

Let us fearlessly take hold of God’s promise as we move into 2014.

Looking Back to Look Ahead

Looking Back to Look Ahead

It has been said that those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.

We at Corporate Prayer Resources have found that history and its cousin archaeology are invaluable resources for the Church to draw on. That is why we have made the book Babylon: A Spiritual Journey Through Time and The Nations available.

Over the past two centuries our knowledge of ancient history has expanded greatly. We can now verify some Biblical events with hard evidence, such as the fallen walls of Jericho. Evidence gathered from outside the Holy Land confirms the historicity of many Bible texts, such as Assyrian failure to take Jerusalem. Science has now found that all humans have a common mother (Eve), that there was a catastrophic decrease in the human population (Noah’s Flood), and that at one time humans spoke a single language (Tower of Babel). Thus, history teaches us that we can trust in the accuracy of the Bible.

History and the Bible teach us much about God’s dealings with humans. God judged the Egyptians by humiliating their gods, and He struck Assyria at its greatest point of pride, its army. The remains of sacrificed children found in Canaan have shed light on why God decreed the total destruction of the Canaanites. But we also find that God is merciful, as when he gave evil King Ahab a second chance after he repented. God’s ultimate act of mercy, sending us the Christ, echoes down through history as the Kingdom of God expanded throughout the Roman Empire and then throughout the earth.

Our knowledge of the past helps us to focus our prayers by revealing the spiritual roots of the forces acting against the expansion of the Kingdom. Some years back a group of intercessors went to Ephesus to confront the pagan “Queen of Heaven”, failing in their mission because Ephesus is now controlled by the Islamic spirit, not the pagan spirit. Others have mistaken the Freemasons for a pagan institution when in fact they are dominated by the secular spirit. On the other hand, we have seen breakthroughs on prayer journeys where we have understood the history of spiritual bondage in the nations.

Finally, understanding the past is a key to understanding Bible prophecy. For example, Daniel’s prophecy of the “70 7’s” can be traced with historical data to confirm the start of Jesus’ ministry in 26 AD. Many of the prophecies in the book of Revelation can be matched with historical events to help us understand the times we live in. One of those prophecies, The Woman Riding the Beast in Revelation chapter 17, is a picture of the history of the world from Babylon to the Antichrist, and forms the outline of our Babylon book.

So the past is indeed a key to the future, as it confirms the Scriptures, teaches us God’s ways, shows us how to pray for the nations, and illuminates prophecy.

Let us pray that the Lord will help us use the past to help guide our footsteps in the year to come.
And may you have a blessed New Year.

The Halloween Mask

Resource Notes
Corporate Prayer Resources

Once again Halloween is upon us. People are carving their Jack O’ Lanterns, selecting scary costumes, and buying candy for the neighborhood kids. But what, exactly, are they celebrating?

Beneath the mask of Halloween lies a dark secret and an even darker purpose.

To understand the dark secret of Halloween it is necessary to trace its origin back to the ancient Celtic peoples and their priests, the Druids. November 1 marks their high festival Samhain, named after the ancient Babylonian Sun God Samas. However, the real purpose of the celebration is death, as the Druids sacrificed humans on that day and kept the people in fear of the vengeful spirits of the dead. The Jack O‘ Lantern, representing a severed head,and the frightful costumes are echos of these murderous rituals, the dark secret of Halloween.

When Christianity came to the Celts a decision was made to incorporate their holidays into the Church calendar in order to make the pagans feel more at home in the Church. However, this attempt to put a Christian mask on a pagan holiday backfired, as the pagan celebration was brought into the Church.

So the dark purpose of Halloween, the celebration of death instead of celebrating Christ author of life, continues to this day.

We pray that people will take off the mask of Halloween and honor the Lord of Life this October 31. There are plenty of ways to have fun without celebrating the death day of the Druids.

The Persecuted Church of Egypt

Resource Notes
Corporate Prayer Resources

The “Arab Spring” has turned into another season of persecution for the long suffering Christian Church in Egypt.

Historically, the Egyptian Church is one of the most persecuted Churches in the world. During the last Roman persecution under Emperor Diocletian in 303 AD an estimated 800,000 Egyptian Christians were killed. In 451 AD the Byzantine Church forced the bishop of Alexandria out, leading to the formation of the Coptic (meaning Egyptian) Church and the first Christian martyrs killed by other Christians. Then, in 640 AD, the Moslems conquered Egypt and began a regime of discrimination against Christians, punctuated by periods of persecution.

In Modern times the persecution came in the form of isolated pogroms of burning and looting used by the Egyptian dictators to let off Islamist pressure. These pogroms, while tolerated by the authorities, were also limited by the authorities, like an Egyptian version of Fiddler on the Roof. Now, however, under the Muslim Brotherhood, the pogroms are increasing in violence and there is no effort to bring restraint from the government. Many Coptic Christians are fleeing the country as Islamist extremism escalates.

Yet, despite the centuries of persecution, Egypt is home to 10 million Christians comprising about 12 percent of the population. As Isaiah prophesied “In that day there will be an alter to the Lord in the heart of Egypt” (Is 19:19). The very existence of the Egyptian Church is a testimony to God’s faithfulness and power.

We pray that peace will return to our Christian brothers in Egypt, and that America’s national leaders will intercede with Egyptian authorities to seek peace and protection for the Coptic Christians. And we salute the Egyptian Christians who have remained faithful under trial and won an everlasting crown of glory.

May we be so faithful.

Celebrating China’s Christians on its National Holiday

Resource Notes
Corporate Prayer Resources

On this day sixty three years ago Mao Tse-Tung officially established Communist rule in China. As his followers drove Christian Missionaries out of China and persecuted the 1 million Chinese Christians, no one expected Christianity to survive.

To many Chinese the Church had become associated with the Western powers which had humiliated China over the previous century. The traditional religionists who had seen their deified emperor overthrown in 1912 blamed the Church for their decline, while the Secular Communists painted the Christians as enemies of the state. Many Christians died or were sent to prison as Mao tried to crush Christianity.

Like the ancient Caesars, however, Mao did not understand that the Kingdom of God was on the inside of Believers, giving them strength to endure under persecution. The removal of the Missionaries did not end Christianity, but simply made the Church into a Chinese enterprise. When its property was confiscated it moved into the homes. And when its Chinese leaders were imprisoned, the Holy Spirit provided new leaders.

As it had done during the Roman persecution, the Church provided hope in a brutal society and continued to grow. Instead of fading away, the Chinese Church has 115 million Believers today.

We thank God that Mao is dead and that the Church is alive. We pray for continued strength in the Chinese Church as it faces intermittent persecution and a new threat of Godless materialism arising from China’s adoption of a capitalist economic system.

And may we in America learn to be as faithful as God’s Church in China.

Revisiting The Harbinger

Resource Notes
Corporate Prayer Resources

As we approach the eleventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against United States, it is a good time to revisit Jonathan Cahn’s important 2011 book The Harbinger.

Mr. Cahn draws a parallel between God’s warning given to the Northern Kingdom of Israel as its enemies attached and the warnings given to the United States as the terrorists attached. In both instances the response to God’s judgment was a defiant declaration to rebuild and replant independently of God. The defiance of the ancient Israelites was captured in the book of Isaiah (9:9b, 10), and the very same scripture was quoted by leading American politicians as they voiced a determination to do the same thing.

In the case of Northern Israel they had received their final warning and their kingdom was destroyed ten years later. We in the U.S. received a second warning, the economic crash of 2008. And again our politicians said they would rebuild without God. One of our political parties even went so far as to try to remove all mention of God in it platform in the 2012 Election.

Mr. Cahn points out that the way to save America is for the church to awaken and follow the instructions given to King Solomon almost three thousand years ago: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2CH 7:14

It is not too late to save America, if only the Church will stand up and do its part

Columbus Day Dreams

Resource Notes
Corporate Prayer Resources

This week we celebrate our public holiday marking the epic changes brought about by the landing of Christopher Columbus in America and his dream to create a Christian society here.

The Native American people he found were descendants of ancient Siberian immigrants, but had lived in isolation from the rest of mankind for about three thousand years. Nevertheless, their pyramids, their religions, and their culture still contained the stamp of their origins with the rest of mankind in ancient Babylon. Unfortunately, they also retained some of the worst pagan practices of Babylonian Religions, as the Aztecs demonstrated by sacrificing 50,000 human victims every year.

Our study of history shows that human sacrifice is a flash point for God’s judgment, and we believe that the Aztec and Inca civilizations were judged and destroyed by God through the technology and diseases of the Europeans. Sadly, the Conquistadors enslaved the survivors and forced them to “Convert” to Christianity, thus losing the opportunity to achieve a real Christian society. Those sins were compounded by bringing in African Slaves to replace the decimated populations working the European Plantations.

The establishment of a Christian society did finally occur when a small group of English Christians landed in New England. Over time the English settlers in Eastern North America adopted the concept of religious freedom and went on to build the greatest Christian society on earth, the United States. And, with all its failures, backsliding, and flaws, the United States, with its 250 million who claim to be Christians, remains the World’s most powerful beacon of the Christian Dream.

Christianity has also experienced a comeback in Latin America, thanks to the Catholic Charismatics and the Evangelical Christians. Today Latin America is 92.5% Christian, the highest proportion of any continent.

So, on this Columbus Day, let us join with all North, Central, and South American Christians in praying that we will continue to follow the dream of living in a Christian Society in the Americas.