Christmas Promises

There are many reasons to celebrate Christmas and the Advent of Christ. One of the best reasons for us is the celebration of how God kept His promises about sending Christ to Earth:

* God promised Adam and Eve He would be born miraculously to a virgin, (Gen 3:15), and He was.
*God promised Abraham that Christ would be a descendant of his (Gen 12:2), and He was.
* God promised Jacob that Christ would come from the line of his son Judah (Gen 49:10), and He did.
* God promised David that Christ would come from his Line (2 Sa 7:16), and He did.
* God told Micah that Christ would be born in Bethlehem (Mi 5:2), and He was.
* God told Daniel when Jesus would begin His ministry 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Da 9:25), and He did, in 26 AD.
* God told Isaiah where Christ would begin His ministry, in Galilee (Is 9:1), and He did.

There are over 300 of specific prophecies recorded about Jesus, His ministry, and His resurrection. All have been fulfilled, giving us confidence that God’s promises to us will also be fulfilled.

So as we gather to thank God for the greatest Christmas present of all, Jesus Christ, let us also rest secure in the knowledge that God can be trusted to keep all of His promises.

That trust is the source of our peace which passes understanding.

So have a merry, peaceful Christmas.

Looking Back to Look Ahead

It has been said that those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it.

We at Corporate Prayer Resources have found that history and its cousin archaeology are invaluable resources for the Church to draw on. That is why we have made the book Babylon: A Spiritual Journey Through Time and The Nations available as a free download at:

Over the past two centuries our knowledge of ancient history has expanded greatly. We can now verify some Biblical events with hard evidence, such as the fallen walls of Jericho. Evidence gathered from outside the Holy Land confirms the historicity of many Bible texts, such as the Assyrian failure to take Jerusalem. Science has now found that all humans have a common mother (Eve), that there was a catastrophic decrease in the human population (Noah’s Flood), and that at one time humans spoke a single language (Tower of Babel). Thus, science and history teach us that we can trust in the accuracy of the Bible.

History and the Bible teach us much about God’s dealings with humans. God judged the Egyptians by humiliating their gods, and He struck Assyria at its greatest point of pride, its army. The remains of sacrificed children found in Canaan have shed light on why God decreed the total destruction of the Canaanites. But we also find that God is merciful, as when he gave evil King Ahab a second chance after he repented. God’s ultimate act of mercy, sending us the Christ, echoes down through history as the Kingdom of God expanded throughout the Roman Empire and then throughout the earth.

Our knowledge of the past helps us to focus our prayers by revealing the spiritual roots of the forces acting against the expansion of the Kingdom. Some years back a group of intercessors went to Ephesus to confront the pagan “Queen of Heaven”, failing in their mission because Ephesus is now controlled by the Islamic spirit, not the pagan spirit. Others have mistaken the Freemasons for a pagan institution when in fact they are dominated by the secular spirit. On the other hand, we have seen breakthroughs on prayer journeys where we have understood the history of spiritual bondage in the nations.

Finally, understanding the past is a key to understanding Bible prophecy. For example, Daniel’s prophecy of the “70 7’s” can be traced with historical data to confirm the start of Jesus’ ministry in 26 AD. Many of the prophecies in the book of Revelation can be matched with historical events to help us understand the times we live in. One of those prophecies, The Woman Riding the Beast in Revelation chapter 17, is a picture of the history of the world from Babylon to the Antichrist, and forms the outline of our Babylon book.

So the past is indeed a key to the future, as it confirms the Scriptures, teaches us God’s ways, shows us how to pray for the nations, and illuminates prophecy. It also shows us the terrible fate of those nations, from ancient Israel to Nazi Germany, who have abandoned God.

Let us pray that the Lord will help us use the past to help guide our footsteps in the year to come, repenting of our sins and drawing nearer to God.

And may you have a blessed New Year.

The Gift of Saint Nicholas

Yes, there really is a Saint Nicholas. He was a fourth century Bishop in Myra, in Asia
Minor. And he really was famous for his gift giving and his concern for the poor and for children. His feast day is tomorrow, December 6.

In the Middle Ages some enterprising citizens of the Italian city of Bari stole his remains and built a cathedral in his honor in Bari. Because of the importance of Saint Nicholas to both the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Church, the cathedral is one of the few places in the world where Catholic and Orthodox minister under the same roof. Pilgrims of both denominations are welcome there.

When the Charismatic renewal swept through the Catholic Church, one of the leaders in Bari, Matteo Calisi, wondered if the tolerance expressed at the Saint Nicholas Cathedral could grow into real reconciliation. He and Italian Evangelical pastor Giovanni Traettino reached across the divide and began a movement which has brought Catholics and Protestants together throughout Italy. Over the years the reconciliation movement has reached out from Bari to Protestants in North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. In addition, the Orthodox and Messianic Jewish churches have also become involved.

One of Calisi’s major impacts was in Buenos Aires, where Cardinal Bergoglio opened the Catholic Church there to reconciliation with the Protestant leaders. We now know Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope Francis, and he has continued his historic outreach to other Christian traditions. In 2014 the Pope sent a historic video to Kenneth Copeland at a Pastor’s meeting which can be seen on Youtube under: Since then many Church leaders have met with the Pope to heal the divisions between Christians.

During 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, many meetings were held around the world to promote the reconciliation of Christians. In October Matteo Calisi organized a meeting with Kenneth Copeland and Cardinal DiNardo, President of U.S. Bishops, and about 40 other Christian leaders including Lou Engle, Mike Bickle, and John Arnott in a visible show of unity at the Kairos 2017 conference in Kansas City. A similar meeting is planned for Dallas, Texas on October 3-5, 2019.

The reconciliation movement born in Bari seeks to bring Christians into genuine unity in our diversity. God realizes that we have different practices and beliefs, and we’re told to tolerate our brothers (see Ro14:1-4 and Ro 15:1-7). Our real unity is through Christ, for if we are each in Christ then we are also united in Christ. (see John 17:20-23).

So let us all join Christ in His prayer that we may be brought into complete unity (John

And we need to thank Him for the gift of the reconciliation movement which was started in the Spirit of Saint Nicholas.

Hanukkah and the Messiah

Next Sunday, December 2, at sundown the Hebrew Feast of Hanukah begins. The Feast memorializes the dedication of the Temple in 165 BC, after Antiocus IV Epiphanes attempted to stamp out the Hebrew religion. It also celebrates a miracle where a one day supply of Temple oil lasted eight days. Thus, it is called both the “Feast of Dedication” and the “Feast of Lights”.

With the cleansing of the Temple in 165BC, the Nation of Israel was reborn and the Temple and the Nation of Israel were made ready to receive the Messiah. However, it was 160 years later that He was born and 190 years later that He began His ministry. Jesus celebrated the Feast of Dedication and used the occasion to clarify that He was the Messiah while teaching in the Temple (see John 11:22-39).

A week after Hanukkah is a significant date leading to the Second Coming of
Christ. It was 101 years ago on December 9, 1917 that the Turks surrendered Jerusalem to the British. The British mandate ultimately lead to the U.N. vote to form Israel thirty years later in 1947, and to the birth of Israel in 1948. Christians all over the world saw the miraculous rebirth of Israel as preparation for the Second Coming of Christ.

Few Christians expected the return of Christ to be delayed so long after the nation of
Israel was made ready. However, if we look back to the formation of Israel in 165 BC, preparatory to the advent of Christ, then a waiting period of 160 or 190 years is not so surprising. At 101 years, if counting began in 1917 instead of 1948, we would only be half way through a 190 year wait.

Let us pray over the Feast of Dedication and let us remember how it made the way ready for the Messiah. The Feast of Dedication also reminds us to purify our hearts, the New Convent temple of the Holy Spirit, as the Second Temple was purified in 165 B.C.

And let us also pray that Christians do not get discouraged by the delay in Christ’s return, for no one knows the day or the hour.

Instead, let us joyfully add to the numbers of the Church and look forward to the day that the number is completed and the Lord returns (Revelation 6:9-11)

Even so, come Lord Jesus

The Mystery of the Barbarian Invasions

The Mystery of the Barbarian Invasions

One of the mysteries of history is why, after the Roman Empire accepted Christianity, God allowed the pagan Germanic people to overrun Christian Western Europe two hundred years later.

The Roman Empire was, of course, not fully Christianized and was suffering from demographic decline and corruption. The Empire was also weakened militarily and had shifted to defensive posture. But the real problem was the Church, which had also adopted defensive posture and was no longer focused on taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

With the Church unable and unwilling to move beyond its borders, God had to do something. So it appears that He allowed the barbarians to invade the Empire’s borders to bring them into contact with the Church. Amazingly, the pagan Germanic people came to accept Christianity and became the foundation of Christian Europe. Thus, the defeat of the Roman Empire actually led to the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

In America we have (so far) been spared from barbarian invasion. However, God is continuing to bring people who may be otherwise unreachable into contact with the Church through immigration, student visas, and now as refuges from Islamist terror and gang violence. For example, a Syrian Muslim who has been prevented from hearing the Gospel in his own country can be given the good news about Jesus while working or studying in the United States. Those who accept Christ can carry the Gospel back to their countrymen, expanding the Kingdom of God more efficiently than Americans could.

Many Christians have found that foreign students are responsive to fellowship from American families and are receptive to the gospel. There are also needy refugees who can be reached by showing God’s love and compassion.

An excellent tool to present the Gospel has been developed by a U.S. ministry, Christ for All People. They have made Jesus film DVD’s available in many immigrant languages, allowing our immigrant friends to learn about Jesus in their “heart” language. Check out their website at

For our part we must remember Peter’s admonition to explain our faith with gentleness and respect. (I Peter 3:15) Christ For All Peoples suggests packaging the Jesus film with other goodies as a Christmas present.

What better time than Christmas to help an immigrant family learn why “Jesus is reason for the season.”

Two Days in Berlin

This week marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on November 11, 1918 and the 29th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.

The city of Berlin was the epicenter of the ideological and military wars of the Twentieth Century. Those conflicts were rooted in the Nineteenth Century, when German theologians sold out to secularism, cast doubt on the scriptures, and destroyed the Christian faith of most Germans. The spiritual void was filled by a secular state religion and Darwinist survival of-the-fittest militancy. It is not a coincidence that the Germans brought the ancient Temple of Zeus from Pergamum, “where Satan has his throne” (Rev 2:13) to Berlin in the 19th century. And based on what followed it may truly be said that Satan moved with his throne to Berlin.

The First World War was welcomed by the militant Germans, who expected easy victories. They did manage to defeat the Russians, but at the price of helping to establish an expansionist Communist state. However, the Germans could not sustain the war in Western Europe and they surrendered on November 11, 1918. The Peace Treaty which followed in 1919 left the Germans humiliated and bitter, but they did not give up their militaristic spirit. They hardened their hearts, missing their chance to repent, and Satan remained enthroned in Berlin.

Feeding on that militaristic spirit, Adolph Hitler and his Nazis fashioned a new religion where the Germans would evolve into God-like super humans. Their version of the Godhood Religion, or New Age Religion, swept through Germany and led to the Second World War. Their early success in the war led them to attack the Russian Communists and they even declared war on the United States. All the while they were murdering Jews, Christians, and others who did not fit into their super human evolutionary vision. No one could doubt that Satan ruled through the Nazis in Berlin.

Judgment came to Berlin in 1945 as the Russian army destroyed the city, revenged itself on the population, and took the Temple of Zeus to Moscow. Berlin, and Germany, were divided between the Russians and the Western Powers. Yet, after the war, Berlin became the focal point of Cold War tensions as the Russians tried to force the Western Powers out. West Berlin became an embarrassment to the Russians as it prospered under free enterprise and democracy. Finally, in 1962, they built the infamous Berlin Wall to keep East Berliners from fleeing the Communist police state.

German Christians began to repent for their country and pray for deliverance from the Communist oppression, and in response God sent them a Polish Pope and an American President. Miraculously, the Russian tyranny simply fell apart under its own weight without a shot being fired. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 as the prayers of the Christians were answered in an unmistakable way.
The two days in Berlin show the horrible consequences of failure to repent and the power of God to move for those who reach out to Him in repentance.

As we remember these two days, let us not harden our hearts if God’s judgment does come, because the Lord sends judgment to bring righteousness (Isaiah 26:9). Let us learn from the German Christians to repent and ask God to deliver us from the consequences of our sin.

“If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14

Ending the Scandal of Division

Today, October 31, is the 501ST anniversary date of Martin Luther’s nailing of his Ninety Five Theses on the Church door at Wittenberg, Germany.

Martin Luther had hoped that he would be able to reform and purify the Church. Instead, the Church split into a Catholic branch and a Protestant branch. Then came religious wars, with millions of Catholic and Protestant martyrs. Peace and some level of tolerance finally prevailed, but the division continues.

Nor was it the first such division. The Jewish Church was driven out at the Council of Nicea, the Nestorian Church at the Council of Ephesus, and the Copic Church at the Council of Chalcedon. The Orthodox East and the Roman Catholic West formally split in 1054. And throughout Church history, beginning with Frankish King Clovis, Kings were sent to destroy heretical groups. The Scandal of Division has stalked the Church from the beginning.

Today there are thousands of Christian denominations, each with its own unique set of beliefs and practices. All of them know that Christ prayed “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me” (John 17:23), but they do not know how to get past their doctrinal and governmental differences. So the Scandal has been allowed to continue, even at the cost of casting doubt on Jesus and the Church.

Finally, in the latter 20th Century, things began to change when Christians began to take a fresh look at Christ’s prayer for unity. Jesus prayed that, just as He was in the Father and the Father was in Him, the believers would be in Christ and thus be brought to complete unity (John 17:20-23). Our unity is in Christ, not in our doctrines, traditions, or Church government. The Apostle Paul also recognized this, and urged the believers not to look down on their “weaker” brothers who had different practices (Ro 14:1-23).

Unity is not uniformity. Rather, it is unity in diversity, where the special giftings of other Christian traditions add to the richness of our Christian heritage.

Let no one be judged for their doctrines so long as they are in Christ. Rather let us become friends of God by keeping Christ’s command to love each other (John 15:12-14) and focus on God’s business (John 15:15).

Let us end the Scandal of Division so the world will know that God sent Christ to save us.