On August 21, 2017 a sign from God is going to appear in the Heavens at mid-day and streak across America. The sign, a Solar Eclipse, will appear on the first day of the 40-day Jewish season of Teshuvah, a season of repentance and return to God leading up to the Day of Atonement.
Teshuvah Eclipses are an invitation to unite in Christ. During the Eclipse the Moon represents the believers, and unites with the Sun that represents Christ. God’s Teshuvah Eclipse invitation has been accepted by many great church leaders in the last 500 years, including Martin Luther, Francis Xavier, Count Zinzendorf, George Whitfield, William Carey, Dr. Livingston, Hudson Taylor, William Seymour, and Billy Graham. Some of the greatest revivals, including the First and Second Great Awakenings, the Azusa Street Revival, the Charismatic Revival, and the rise of Messianic Judaism have been birthed or nurtured during Teshuvah Eclipse years.
Teshuvah Eclipses have marked the rise of the United States and Israel as nations. The Teshuvah Eclipses have also given prophetic warnings for nations to repent or face disasters. Some of the more significant disasters include the French Revolution, the American Civil War, World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Holocaust, World War II, and the September 11, 2001 terror attack on the United States.
Teshuvah Eclipses are the inflection points of destiny, when mankind chose to follow God or not, to obey Him or not, and to live or die.
On Teshuvah 2017 God is inviting His people to unite with Him, resisting temptation as Jesus did in His 40-day Teshuvah fast. We are invited to make the Teshuvah journey of repentance and uniting with Christ.
God is inviting His Church to repent and unite in Him as well. As we unite with Christ, we will also find that we are all united in Christ, together as Christians, healing divisions and preparing the way for a great revival.
But the path of the Eclipse over the United States is also a solemn warning to return as a nation to our Christian foundation. We ignored God’s warning in the Teshuvah Eclipse years of 1998 and 1999, and suffered from the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. We ignored the warning of the 2008 Teshuvah Eclipse year and suffered economic disaster and national decline. God has given us another opportunity to heal our land in 2017, and we can repent and return to Him if the Church will unite and make its Teshuvah journey of repentance.
We urge you to accept the Teshuvah invitation to repent, return to God, and Unite in Christ. We also invite you to make a Teshuvah Pilgrimage to experience the Teshuvah Eclipse and join us in 40 days of Teshuvah prayer.
Let us pray that the Church and the nation will heed the Teshuvah warning to heal our land before it is too late:
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
~ Winston Churchill
For more information, please visit www.teshuvah2017.com.