Praying For Our Communities: Part 2

Part II: Community Tent Stakes Teams

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” – Isaiah 54:2

Canopy of Prayer is a prayer initiative which seeks to bring spiritual transformation by establishing the Lord’s Canopy of protection over our communities, as shown in the fourth chapter of the book of Isaiah.

This is in keeping with Isaiah’s word quoted above that we should enlarge our “tent” (translated in Isaiah 4 as “Canopy”) and strengthen our Tent Stakes. The tent, or canopy, pictured here would have a central pole, representing the centrality of Christ, and be held in place by its Tent Stakes. The word given to Canopy of Prayer ministry was to strengthen its Tent Stakes to hold the Canopy in place over the community, just as a Tent Stake ministry does for a Church.

The Tent Stakes of our communities are those institutions which serve the community. Those institutions, when working properly, keep our communities grounded and functioning. The major Tent Stake institutions include (but are not limited to):

  • Family
  • Church
  • Business
  • Education
  • Government
  • Military
  • Media and Arts

We believe that we should strengthen these Tent Stakes as a part of the Canopy of Prayer. Our first priority would be to find intercessors with a heart for each Tent Stake and who will pray consistently for that Tent Stake. In that arena of government, for example, it is not just the leaders who need prayer, but those who provided necessary services like police and fire. We need for there to be constant prayer cover for all of those government functions to establish the Canopy of Prayer. 

We recommend that Tent Stake Teams increase their effectiveness by communicating with their tent stake constituents and visiting their offices and meeting places to pray “onsite with insight”. For example, let the Police Chief know you are praying for him. Ask for his prayer needs and discreetly pray for him. Prove yourself faithful to pray and keep confidences, and your Tent Stake Team can have a major impact on those you are praying for and the community.

Beyond prayer, you can show Christian love to the Tent Stake constitutes in many ways. Befriend them, encourage them and help them if you can. Some tent stake teams have organized special events to honor them. Remember that even the tax collector needs a friend. Your love testimony may even bring someone into God’s kingdom.

Please pray about helping strengthen the Tent Stakes of your community and the Canopy of Prayer by joint a Tent Stake Team.