The Inquisition Spirit


            The Nation has been rocked by revelations that the Government has been persecuting people for their political and religious views. And now we’ve learned that our phone records and internet communications are being collected by the National Security Agency. These activities contradict our Declaration of Independence and the “Spirit of 1776” and in fact take us back to the Spirit of the infamous Spanish Inquisition.


            The Inquisition was the prototype of totalitarian systems designed to eliminate all belief contrary to the Politically Correct beliefs of the authorities. In the case of the Inquisition, the Politically Correct belief was a form of Roman Catholicism. Later emulators of the Inquisition Spirit tried to force compliance with the French Revolution, Nazism, and Communism.  Today the Spirit of Inquisition is rising in places like Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, and Russia where Democracies are being converted into authoritarian Governments. And the same trend is beginning to appear in the U.S., where the Politically Correct “Progressive” beliefs in Big Government, sexual “freedom”, and secularism are targeting those who believe in limited Government and who hold Christian views.


                 The methods of the Inquisition Spirit have varied little down through History. First, the authorities gain control of the Law Enforcement mechanisms society either directly, as in the case of the Communists, or indirectly as in the Spanish Inquisition. Secondly, the power of Government is used to find those who may have opposing views. Those who come to the attention of the Government, whether “Guilty” or not, are then made into an example to terrorize the population into compliance. Often the victims of the Inquisition Spirit are not told why they were targeted and, like the Tea Party IRS applicants, simply left in legal limbo.


            Sad to say, even in a country like the U.S., with its legacy of freedom, the Inquisition Spirit is never far away. The current American manifestation began on college campuses, whose “Progressives” have ended academic freedom and used the Inquisition Spirit to eliminate all politically incorrect speech. It should not be too surprising that a whole generation of college graduates have taken the Inquisition Spirit from the universities to the halls of Government.   


            As intercessors, we must realize that we do not struggle against the individuals, but against the Inquisition Spirit itself. We must pray that the Lord will bless our enemies with the knowledge of the Lord and a desire for freedom. We pray that the Spirit of Inquisition will be turned back in our Government, and we pray for a revival of Christianity and freedom on the college campuses where it began.


            Above all we pray that America will remain a free country where we can worship God without Government persecution.

The Titanic Memorial

           This Sunday, June 9, marks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Titanic Memorial in Washington D.C.


            In the aftermath of the tragic sinking of the Titanic in 1912, hearings were held in the U.S. Senate. During these hearings, the doctrine of “Women and Children First” was reviewed and it was found that 90% of those who died in the disaster were men. The First Lady, Nellie Taft, was so moved by the courage and sacrifice of those men that she raised funds to build a memorial to them.  It was placed near the White House, bearing the inscription, “To the brave men who gave their lives that women and children might be saved.”


            Not everyone was in favor of the Titanic memorial. Feminists argued that “Women and Children First” was a disguised form of paternalistic oppression. They even criticized the women of the Titanic for accepting preferential treatment. The memorial apparently remained offensive to Feminists, and in 1973 it was removed from its prominent place and put in storage. In 1979 it was moved to an obscure location overlooking the Potomac River.


            Today the Feminist agenda is at its ascendency, and they are well on the way to eliminating special preferences for women and children. Institutions which are designed to protect children are being forced to put them at risk to sexual predators in the name of equality, and 50 million have been killed in furtherance of the Feminist abortion agenda. Women, especially single mothers, are increasingly left to fend for themselves and now, thanks to the Feminists, women can be sent into front lines of military conflicts. The old belief of chivalry and sacrifice is ridiculed, and then the Feminists are surprised as young men thrown into close contact with young women in the military behave badly. And the abandonment and abuse of women and children by men encouraged to have no sense of honor is increasing every day.


            We need to pray that there will be a revival of chivalry and sacrifice in our men. The Biblical role of men, to love their families even to the point of sacrificing themselves like Christ (Eph. 5:25) and the men of the Titanic, must be restored.


            Let us remember the Titanic Memorial and pray that its message is moved from the Potomac into the hearts of our men and women.


            The Sunday following the anniversary, Father’s Day, would be a good time to start.