Using Our Spiritual Weapons

            News is coming out of Egypt about how the Church in Egypt has been using its Spiritual Weapons to help achieve the amazing turnaround in the Egyptian Government.


            The Christian Church in Egypt is one of the oldest and most persecuted Churches in the world (See our Blog of 10/22/12 “The Persecuted Church of Egypt”). Under the Muslim Brotherhood, pogroms against Christians were intensified and many were forced to flee for their lives. The Christian community had nowhere else to turn but to God.


            The first step toward spiritual victory came as the Church deployed the Spiritual Weapon of Church unity. In November of 2012 over 70,000 Coptic, Protestant, and Catholic believers met at the “Garbage City” Coptic Church in Cairo. The new Coptic Pope blessed the meeting and urged them to forget their past differences. This meeting was following by a larger prayer meeting in March of 2013 and then by the largest meeting of Christians in modern Egyptian history on Pentecost. The Egyptian Church found its unity, which is based on unity in Christ.


            The second Spiritual Weapon to be launched was prayer, but not just any prayer. The Egyptian Church realized that Christians are called to be a blessing and that we are to bless and not curse our enemies. A leading Christian pastor even went on Arabic Television to tell Muslims that the Church was praying for them, not against them. The prayer of blessing, that God’s will be done on Earth and that our enemies be blessed to come to the knowledge of God and achieve their God given destiny, led to the earthly blessing of the end of a government which oppressed Christians and Muslims alike.


            The third Spiritual Weapon used was sacrificial service. During the riots surrounding the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood’s tyranny many people were injured. Most were Muslims. Nevertheless, the Churches opened their doors to all who were injured and Christian doctors worked tirelessly to save lives. Thus, the Church showed its love by deeds to match its words.


            We in America can learn a lot from our Egyptian Brothers. Their example of unity, prayer, blessing, and service could be the key to turning around our increasingly oppressive situation here.


            Pray for the Church in Egypt and pray that the American Church will arise and use its Spiritual Weapons to turnaround our country.

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