A Summer Semester for Campus Progressives

There is no better way to enhance your education than by spending the summer traveling abroad. So we have compiled an itinerary for a summer semester for our campus Progressives.

We begin close to home, in Venezuela. There you can see the happy masses enjoying the fruits of Socialism. Study how the benevolent government deals with the politically incorrect claims of starvation, promoting solidarity with the happy peasants who starved to death for Socialism in the 1920’s in Ukraine and in China in the 1950’s. Remember to bring your own toilet paper and some peanut butter sandwiches.

Next stop, Cuba, to see how income inequality, at least for the masses, is a thing of the past.
Who wouldn’t want to live in that workers paradise. Besides, they get to drive those classic cars from the 1950’s.

France and Italy are next on the list. Here you can find happy college graduates, about 40% of them, who are enjoying the pleasures of a permanent summer vacation. After all, what does a job matter when you can go to school for free?

For those who want to show their solidarity with the Palestinian cause, put a stop over in the Gaza Strip on your itinerary. Study how self-government has brought peace and prosperity to this outpost of Democracy. Enjoy the fireworks as they shoot rockets at the homes and schools of Jewish civilians.

If you are looking for someone who hates the racist, imperialist, sexist, homophobic, abelist United States as much as you do, may we suggest a trip to peace loving Iran. You can shout “Death to America” until you are blue in the face. Just don’t take any pictures.

The climax of the summer semester is a trip to Russia. Student newspaper workers can learn how the professionals shield the people from hurtful press reporting. See how reactionary voices are silenced and hateful speech against political correctness is eliminated. You may discover that you have more in common with Vladimir Putin than you realized.

Alas, summer ends too soon, especially in Russia, and you will have to return home. If you survive.

If you have learned anything, head to your local church, get on your knees, and thank God that you live in the United States of America. Thank God you can say what you want and live your faith without fear. Thank Him that you live in a Free Enterprise Economy where you can find opportunity to achieve your dreams. Pray for the hungry, the poor, the hopeless, the persecuted, and the voiceless ones who live in darkness overseas, as well as the campus Progressives who have embraced the darkness at home.

Tell your “Progressive” friends that freedom is the only truly progressive philosophy.

And remind them that true freedom comes from knowing Christ.

“If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31, 32).

Happy Birthday Jesus

This week on March 23rd will, we believe, mark the 2023rd anniversary of the birth of Jesus.

That’s right. We believe that we can put together the prophecies, historical data, astronomical data, and scripture to pinpoint the birth of Jesus to March 23, 5 BC.

We know from Luke 3:23 that Jesus was about 30 when He began His ministry. The prophet Daniels tells us the year of Christ’s anointing would come 69 7’s, or 483 years, after the decree which sent Ezra to Jerusalem in 458 BC. (Daniel 9:25) Doing the math, and remembering that there is no year “0”, Daniel’s prophecy says Jesus would begin His ministry in 26 A.D. This year is backed up by two dates from Scripture. John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius, 25 AD, (Luke 3:1) and Jesus cleared the Temple the first time 46 years after Herod began renovating it (John 2:20) in 20 BC (According to Josephus), or 27 AD. Thus, many Bible scholars believe that 26 AD is the year Jesus began his ministry. If He was 30 years old, remembering again that there is no year “0”, He would have been born in 5 BC.

Jesus would have been born either in the Spring or Fall of the year according to the Scripture surrounding the birth of John the Baptist. John’s father, Zechariah was a member of the priestly order of Abijah (Luke 1:5) which, according to Rabbinical sources, ministered at the Temple in May and November. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the Temple, and Zechariah would have gone home and probably conceived John the Baptist in June or December, who would have been born 9 months later in March or September. We know from Scripture that John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus (Luke 1:26) so Jesus would have been born in September or March of 5 BC.

To find the exact time of year we look to Astronomy and Archaeology. We know that there was a star which appeared when Jesus was born and that Magi from the East, possibly following the prophetic teachings of Daniel the Magi (Daniel 2:48), came looking for Him (Mathew 2:1,2). The Chinese also saw the Star, identifying it as a Nova which appeared in the Spring of 5 BC and burned for 70 days. Dating the star of Bethlehem to the spring of BC means that John the Baptist was conceived in December of 7 BC, Jesus was conceived in June of 6 BC, John the Baptist was born in September of 6 BC, and Jesus was born in March of 5 BC.

King Herod, the tyrannical ruler of Judea, had interviewed the Magi when they arrived in Jerusalem. According to our research, described in The Stars of His Coming, (get free download at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qa0m17n2q1f6gvv/AAAil7jgo8QIJHAmaHZEdbtya?dl=0 ) there were signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars surrounding the birth of Jesus beginning with Zechariah in 7 BC. The Magi would have testified to the same date, and for that reason Herod ordered all of the Children under 2 years old in Bethlehem to be killed. Josephus tells us that there was a Lunar Eclipse on Passover and that Herold died later that year. This lunar Eclipse, or Blood Moon, occurred on March 23, 5 BC. The Blood Moon occurred in the Spring of 5 BC, concurrent with the Star of Bethlehem, but one additional piece of evidence is needed to suggest that this is the day Jesus was born.

We find it in Revelation 12:1, 2, which describes a sign in the Heavens, a woman clothed in the Sun with the Moon at her feet, at the moment of Christ’s birth. The woman clothed in the Sun is the Zodiacal constellation Virgo (The Virgin), which promises that God will send a savior through Virgin birth. Astronomical research shows that the Blood Moon of March 23, 5 BC occurred while the Moon was in the feet of Virgo. Thus, Revelation 12:1, 2 presents us with a picture of the night sky when Jesus was born, and that night was March 23, 5 BC.

Of course we know that the whole world will continue to celebrate the birthday of Jesus on December 25. In its way, it is fitting to celebrate the advent on the old Roman winter solstice, when it all began with the conception of John the Baptist around the winter solstice of 7 BC and signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars began to appear.

Even so, it is nice to know His real birthday so we in His family can honor Him on His actual birthday.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Dismal Day

In the early Church the date of February 4 was set aside as “Dismal Day”.

Dismal Day was a somber day set aside to remember the plagues of Egypt during the Exodus. The name “dismal” itself means “Evil days” and was intended to memorialize the woe and suffering of the Egyptians. Rather than celebrate the victory of the Israelites, the purpose of the day was to serve as a reminder of the consequences of disobeying God. Thus, the reflective and introspective mood of the day.

At the time of the Exodus in 1446 BC Egypt was the most powerful nation on earth. The Israelites, who had come in 1876 BC, had settled in an area of the Eastern Nile Delta known as Goshen. After the death of their champion Joseph in about 1806 BC, the Egyptian Pharaohs became fearful of the Israelites and made them into slaves. One of the Pharaohs had even initiated an infanticide against the Israelite children in about 1526 BC. It was a survivor of this holocaust, a stuttering 80 year old named Moses, whom God chose to confront the most powerful man in the world.

Of course the Pharaoh refused to submit to God’s command to let his people go, and God sent the famous Ten Plagues of Egypt. Because of their stubbornness, the Egyptians saw their river die, their crops fail, their livestock destroyed, and finally their children die. Then, to top it off, their army was destroyed chasing the Israelites and history tells us that the entire country of Egypt was later overrun by foreign invaders. Certainly “Evil Days” for the Egyptians.

It is unfortunate that the Church no longer sets apart Dismal Day to remember the consequences of rebellion against God. To remember how the most powerful Nation on Earth brought judgment on itself by mistreating God’s people and killing God’s children. To remember how their river died, their agriculture economy shriveled, their children were lost, and their military was humbled. To remember how defiance of God’s commands destroyed the most powerful Nation on Earth. And to seek God because it is beginning to unfold again right before our eyes.

For His people, God had set aside the land of Goshen as a place of safety, and they were spared from the seven last plagues sent on Egypt. Today many Intercessors believe that God has set aside Lands of Goshen in America, and that He will make a distinction between those states, cities, and people who follow Him and these who do not. Just compare the economies of places like Texas where God is honored with California where He is not. This is no time to disregard God’s plans and purposes.

The Nation is in serious trouble as it suffers more and more from its disobedience. The Church needs to humble itself and pray for an Awakening.

Dismal Day would be a good time to start.

Hanukkah and the Messiah

Next Sunday, December 2, at sundown the Hebrew Feast of Hanukah begins. The Feast memorializes the dedication of the Temple in 165 BC, after Antiocus IV Epiphanes attempted to stamp out the Hebrew religion. It also celebrates a miracle where a one day supply of Temple oil lasted eight days. Thus, it is called both the “Feast of Dedication” and the “Feast of Lights”.

With the cleansing of the Temple in 165BC, the Nation of Israel was reborn and the Temple and the Nation of Israel were made ready to receive the Messiah. However, it was 160 years later that He was born and 190 years later that He began His ministry. Jesus celebrated the Feast of Dedication and used the occasion to clarify that He was the Messiah while teaching in the Temple (see John 11:22-39).

A week after Hanukkah is a significant date leading to the Second Coming of
Christ. It was 101 years ago on December 9, 1917 that the Turks surrendered Jerusalem to the British. The British mandate ultimately lead to the U.N. vote to form Israel thirty years later in 1947, and to the birth of Israel in 1948. Christians all over the world saw the miraculous rebirth of Israel as preparation for the Second Coming of Christ.

Few Christians expected the return of Christ to be delayed so long after the nation of
Israel was made ready. However, if we look back to the formation of Israel in 165 BC, preparatory to the advent of Christ, then a waiting period of 160 or 190 years is not so surprising. At 101 years, if counting began in 1917 instead of 1948, we would only be half way through a 190 year wait.

Let us pray over the Feast of Dedication and let us remember how it made the way ready for the Messiah. The Feast of Dedication also reminds us to purify our hearts, the New Convent temple of the Holy Spirit, as the Second Temple was purified in 165 B.C.

And let us also pray that Christians do not get discouraged by the delay in Christ’s return, for no one knows the day or the hour.

Instead, let us joyfully add to the numbers of the Church and look forward to the day that the number is completed and the Lord returns (Revelation 6:9-11)

Even so, come Lord Jesus

The Halloween Mask

Once again Halloween is upon us. People are carving their Jack O’ Lanterns, selecting scary costumes, and buying candy for the neighborhood kids. But what, exactly, are they celebrating?

Beneath the mask of Halloween lies a dark secret and an even darker purpose.

To understand the dark secret of Halloween it is necessary to trace its origin back to the ancient Celtic peoples and their priests, the Druids. November 1 marks their high festival Samhain, named after the ancient Babylonian Sun God Samas. However, the real purpose of the celebration is death, as the Druids sacrificed humans on that day and kept the people in fear of the vengeful spirits of the dead. The Jack O‘ Lantern, representing a severed head, and the frightful costumes are echoes of these murderous rituals, the dark secret of Halloween.

When Christianity came to the Celts a decision was made to incorporate their holidays into the Church calendar in order to make the pagans feel more at home in the Church.
However, this attempt to put a Christian mask on a pagan holiday backfired, as the pagan celebration was brought into the Church.

So the dark purpose of Halloween, the celebration of death instead of celebrating Christ the author of life, continues to this day.

We pray that people will take off the mask of Halloween and honor the Lord of Life this
October 31. There are plenty of ways to have fun without celebrating the death day of the Druids.

Celebrating China’s Christians

Next week on October 1st the Chinese celebrate their national holiday marking the day Mao Tse-Tung officially established Communist rule in China in 1949. As his followers drove Christian Missionaries out of China and persecuted the 1 million Chinese Christians, no one expected Christianity to survive.

To many Chinese the Church had become associated with the Western powers which had humiliated China over the previous century. The traditional religionists who had seen their deified emperor overthrown in 1912 blamed the Church for their decline, while the Secular Communists painted the Christians as enemies of the state. Many Christians died or were sent to prison as Mao tried to crush Christianity.

Like the ancient Caesars, however, Mao did not understand that the Kingdom of God was on the inside of Believers, giving them strength to endure under persecution. The removal of the Missionaries did not end Christianity, but simply made the Church into a fully Chinese enterprise. When its property was confiscated it moved into the homes. And when its Chinese leaders were imprisoned, the Holy Spirit provided new leaders.

As it had done during the Roman persecution, the Church provided hope in a brutal society and continued to grow. Instead of fading away, the Chinese Church has 115 million Believers today.

The Chinese church has paid the price and fearlessly continues to spread the gospel. They have even launched an ambitious evangelism outreach to the Middle East, the Back to Jerusalem Movement, to send 200,000 marketplace ministers into the heart of the Muslim world.

We thank God that Mao is dead and that the Church is alive. We pray for continued strength in the Chinese Church as it faces intermittent persecution and a new threat of Godless materialism arising from China’s adoption of a capitalist economic system.

And may we in America learn to be as faithful as God’s Church in China.

Back to School Blues

It seems like summer has only gotten started and yet it’s almost time to start another school year.

The beginning of school is a time of financial stress for many families. Kids need school supplies and larger clothes to keep up with their growth. Special activities like sports and band also require investment. Worse yet, the pitiful state of many public schools causes many parents to consider pricey alternatives like private school, home school, or private tutors.

Here are a few random ideas to help cash strapped parents:

1. Your kids will not be traumatized if you don’t buy them $200 tennis shoes. Leave the guilt trip behind and don’t waste money on clothes they’ll soon grow out of.
2. Consider swapping used but wearable clothing with other parents to save money for both families.
3. It is not good for your kids, your pocketbook, or your peace of mind to allow your kids to participate in too many after school activities. Make them pick something they really like.
4. Consider a charter school as a cost-free way to improve the academics of your kids.
5. We believe that paying for your kid’s education in a private religious school is part of your tithe. That’s how Jesus’ parents paid for his education. Think about it.
6. Let your kids be kids and don’t drive them into excessive (and expensive) academics after school. They’ll still make it into a good college and be more well-rounded to boot.
7. Home schooling is an effective and inexpensive way to educate your kids if you are patient and can teach. If not, keep the kids in school and save yourself the money and the kids the misery.

Remember that the key to your kids’ success in school is your involvement. You can save your kids and still save your money.