A Summer Semester for Campus Progressives

There is no better way to enhance your education than by spending the summer traveling abroad. So we have compiled an itinerary for a summer semester for our campus Progressives.

We begin close to home, in Venezuela. There you can see the happy masses enjoying the fruits of Socialism. Study how the benevolent government deals with the politically incorrect claims of starvation, promoting solidarity with the happy peasants who starved to death for Socialism in the 1920’s in Ukraine and in China in the 1950’s. Remember to bring your own toilet paper and some peanut butter sandwiches.

Next stop, Cuba, to see how income inequality, at least for the masses, is a thing of the past.
Who wouldn’t want to live in that workers paradise. Besides, they get to drive those classic cars from the 1950’s.

France and Italy are next on the list. Here you can find happy college graduates, about 40% of them, who are enjoying the pleasures of a permanent summer vacation. After all, what does a job matter when you can go to school for free?

For those who want to show their solidarity with the Palestinian cause, put a stop over in the Gaza Strip on your itinerary. Study how self-government has brought peace and prosperity to this outpost of Democracy. Enjoy the fireworks as they shoot rockets at the homes and schools of Jewish civilians.

If you are looking for someone who hates the racist, imperialist, sexist, homophobic, abelist United States as much as you do, may we suggest a trip to peace loving Iran. You can shout “Death to America” until you are blue in the face. Just don’t take any pictures.

The climax of the summer semester is a trip to Russia. Student newspaper workers can learn how the professionals shield the people from hurtful press reporting. See how reactionary voices are silenced and hateful speech against political correctness is eliminated. You may discover that you have more in common with Vladimir Putin than you realized.

Alas, summer ends too soon, especially in Russia, and you will have to return home. If you survive.

If you have learned anything, head to your local church, get on your knees, and thank God that you live in the United States of America. Thank God you can say what you want and live your faith without fear. Thank Him that you live in a Free Enterprise Economy where you can find opportunity to achieve your dreams. Pray for the hungry, the poor, the hopeless, the persecuted, and the voiceless ones who live in darkness overseas, as well as the campus Progressives who have embraced the darkness at home.

Tell your “Progressive” friends that freedom is the only truly progressive philosophy.

And remind them that true freedom comes from knowing Christ.

“If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31, 32).

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