Coronavirus Revelations

During seasons of judgement that which has been hidden is brought to light. It is no different with Coronavirus.

The virus began in China, where the campaign of the Communist Party to convince the world that its authoritarian system was superior to democracy has been exposed as a lie. Instead of being a model of efficiency, the Communist government allowed a local outbreak to become a pandemic. Doctors were silenced or disappeared as the government then tried to conceal the outbreak. The world was told that the disease was not communicable as it spread around the world. Then the number of reported cases mysteriously stopped at 86,000 while outsders like the American Enterprise Institute estimated that the number is 2.9 million. And the cover-up continues as foreign reporters are sent home and Chinese doctors are not allowed to investigate the origins of the virus. Thus has Communist China been shown to be a brutal, repressive country where the Communist Party maintains control through terror and lies. They are not our friends.

Speaking of Socialists, our home grown variety have abandoned their pretense of being “Democratic Socialists” as they try to maneuver their programs into place under the cover of the Coronavirus Crisis. Critical aid legislation has been delayed as the Socialists try to insert their Green New Deal in an effort to strangle a free market recovery. Their attitude toward America’s business sector has been revealed as they attack those companies which are making heroic efforts to produce drugs and equipment to fight the virus. It has become clear that the Democratic Socialists a do not want to “reform” the economy, they want to destroy it.

Most of our media have been very supportive of the Communist Chinese and the Socialist agenda for reasons which the Coronavirus has illuminated. Critical news analysis has been replaced by a simple binary Test: If Trump is for it, it is bad: but if he is against it, it must be good. Thus, when Trump closed the borders to the Chinese in January, he was denounced as a racist and we were told that his concerns about Coronavirus were overblown. Now, as Trump has been proven correct, the media is reversing itself. Trump is accused of not acting fast enough and wanting to put Wall Street ahead of the lives of Americans. And of course when he suggested that a malaria drug found to be successful in many cases should be made more available, the media is quick to attack the 50 year old “unproven” drug. In other words, their political agenda is so important to them that they would rather see patients denied a lifesaving drug. They are not our friends either.

There are more revelations. University students are finding out that they can learn remotely, eliminating the need for lifetime student debt to pay for sports centers and professors who never work. Mobile phone users discovered that phone companies and internet providers could track their movements and would gladly turn over the information to the government. And Christians can be arrested for going to Church by overzealous local officails.

Comfortable, complacent, and careless Americans have seen their illusions burst and come face to face with hard realities. They have gained a new appreciation for things taken for granted like health, family, jobs, schools, churches, and yes, even toilet paper.

Let us pray that we learn the hard lessons of the Coronavirus and clearly see what has been revealed.

Let us also pray that we will not be pulled back into complacency when the plague passes.

You say, “I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.” But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. – Revelation 3:17-18

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