Ending The Black Holocaust

In 1939 a white racist approached public health officials in Southern states with an ambitious plan to control the black population.

Her proposal said that Blacks “breed carelessly and disastrously”, with the largest population increases coming from those “least intelligent and fit.” She proposed finding gullible black pastors to promote the program and conceal its true purpose: “We want to exterminate the Negro population.” Margaret Sanger sold her program of birth control to the segregated Southerners and a few black pastors, Planned Parenthood had its first major success.

With the Roe vs Wade abortion decision in 1973 Margaret Sanger’s dream of exterminating the Black Race took a major step forward. Planned Parenthood opened hundreds of abortion clinics and began its work of killing babies described by Sanger as “the defective and diseased elements of humanity.” In 2019 Planned Parenthood killed a total of 345,672 babies. The total number of abortions in 2019 was about 862,000 and the total since 1973 is over 62 million.

As Margaret Sanger would have wished, the heaviest toll of the abortion holocaust has been borne by the Black community. The Center for Disease Control reports that 38% of all abortions are killing Black babies. Since the childbearing population of Black women is about 14% of the total, this means that Black women are 2.6 times more likely to have an abortion. About 1 in 3 Black babies are killed before they born.

The numbers are staggering. In 2019 about 320,000 Black babies were killed and only 547,000 born alive. Since 1973 it is estimated that over 23 million Black babies have been “exterminated”, as Sanger would say. This is about half of the current Black population of America. To top it off, the Black birth rate has declined to 1.79, well below the replacement rate. Margaret Sanger’s dream of exterminating the Black Race is coming true before our very eyes.

Yet many who claim to promote Black interests look away from the Black Holocaust, promoting instead the abortion industry’s murder of Black babies. They focus on police shootings of unarmed Blacks, which is about as risky to Blacks as being struck by lightning. Despite academic studies showing otherwise, they claim that the shooting of armed Black criminals, about 1 out of 100,000 Blacks per year, is racist. They ignore the over 7000 murders of Black people and the spike in Black murders which follows the removal of police presence. And there is no outage that 1 in 3 Black babies are killed every year.

Sadly, the modern disciples of Margaret Sanger have continued their efforts to dupe black leaders into supporting abortion so they can hide their true motivations. At their root these motivations are money and power, along with the belief that infant lives are not worth saving. Black lives do not matter to them.

Black lives do matter to God. The Church must take up the challenge of ending the Black Holocaust. It must begin in the Black community, by prayer and support of those pastors and leaders who want to save their people. We need to provide help and hope to Black mothers who see no way to support a child. And the white Church needs to quit supporting those whose agenda leads only to more abortions and death in the Black communities.

Revival often comes where the need is greatest, and we wonder if revival will come through the Black communities. Perhaps they can lead the way for the whole society to end the abortion holocaust and heal the nation.

Let us pray for our Black pastors to end the Black Holocaust and bring unity to the Church and healing to the nation.

“See that you do not look down on one of those little ones. For I tell you that their angles in Heaven always see the face of My Father in Heaven.” Mathew 18:10-11

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