Pray for Joe Biden

The most controversial presidential election in over a century is finished and Joe Biden will be sworn in as President on January 20.

Joe Biden is now putting together his cabinet and his team of advisors. He will also be hearing many voices from radical left who are wanting payback for their support. Many Christians have been concerned that some of those influencers are motivated by demonic forces of lawlessness, hate, greed, and anti-Christian bias.

Now comes a new prayer assignment based on a word given by Dutch Sheet’s brother Tim in December. Normally we caution intercessors against confronting demonic principalities because they are elected by the people and have a right to occupy their positions. However, the prophetic message stated that it was “Open Season” until January 20 on the principalities, powers, and demonic forces as intercessors are led to pray about them. We believe that God has given us an opportunity to bind these demonic powers and reduce their influence in the new administration.

We must always remember that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the demonic powers (Ephesians 6:12). We are not to curse those who have made themselves our enemies, but bless them and thereby inherit a blessing (Romans 12:14; 1 Peter 3:9). Such blessings lead the way to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:20-21). In addition, we are commanded to pray for those in authority so we can lead peaceful and quiet lives (1 Timothy 2:2).

So let us pray for Joe Biden to be in good health and regain all of his mental capacities. Pray that he will renew his walk with the Lord as so many presidents have done in the face of the awful pressures of the office. Pray that he will be blessed with wisdom and understanding from the Lord. He will need it.

The demonic forces trying to gain control of his presidency are legion. As we wrote last week, there is a spirit of lawlessness which has brought political bitterness, racial division, criminality, and governmental oppression to the country. Christian values and freedoms of religion and speech are under attack. Immortality and its offspring of abuse, abortion, and poverty continue to spread death and destruction. The nations of China, Russia, and Iran seek to counter the beneficial influence of America overseas and cause division at home. There is also a strong Anti-Semitic spirit which seeks to destroy Israel. Let us pray to God for mercy and ask Him to bind these spirits in the window we have been given up to January 20.

There is also a more powerful way to deal with forces of spiritual wickedness which was demonstrated by Jesus when he sent out the 72 to preach the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:1-20). Jesus saw Satan fall to Earth, the only biblical example of an overthrown demonic power, as the people accepted the gospel and were set free from satanic control. Like Jesus, we should pray for workers to go to into the harvest field for “Open Season” on the demonic forces holding people captive.

Many Christians were discouraged by the presidential election, but we must seek God for our peace and accept His judgments. Sometimes the answer is “no.” Do not be overcome with despair but redouble your efforts to serve the Lord His way.

So pray for Joe Biden, bind the demonic powers seeking to destroy America, and work and pray for revival, which is America’s only hope.

“The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his Harvest field” Luke 10:2

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